第4回目は南アフリカからITF競技委員として参加したMaster Jaren philips7段へのインタビュー記事です。


Master Jaren philips7段、インタビューにご協力くださりありがとうございます。

2023年の ITF テコンドー世界選手権大会の舞台や活気に満ちたエネルギーと競技者たちが目に浮かびます。


初めに印象に残ったのは地元のダンサーたちのパフォーマンスによる感動的な開会式でした。ステージは、照明、音楽、パフォーマンスよって活気に満ちていました。そして、同様に忘れられないのは、ITF テコンドーデモチームによる並外れたデモンストレーションです。
さらに際立って印象に残っているのは、ライブ ストリーミングという革新的なコンセプトでした。試合が展開されるにつれて、故郷の友人や家族が YouTube を通じてすべての試合をテレビ画面で見ることができると知って、喜びがこみ上げてくるのを感じずにはいられませんでした。






海の向こうにいる皆さんに心からの温かいご挨拶と心からの敬意を表します。 敬意、賞賛、そして友情に満ちたメッセージを送るこの機会を与えていただき光栄に思います。
この武道に対する皆様の取り組みは本当に感動的です。 皆さん一人ひとりの揺るぎない献身、絶え間ないトレーニング、完璧さの追求を称賛します。
ITF テコンドーの世界で日本を代表して誇りを持ってトレーニング、競技を続けていくとき、あなたは一人ではないことを忘れないでください。



より多くの人にテコンドーを普及したいと思っていますが、南アフリカの競技人口は約 800 ~ 1000人になっています。
ですが、私たちは力を合わせて、アフリカで ITF テコンドーを普及し、その価値と利点をより幅広いコミュニティと共有するためにたゆまぬ努力を続けています。


ITF テコンドー南アフリカでは、さまざまな年齢層の方がテコンドーの修練をしてます。そして注目すべきは、家族が一緒にトレーニングすることが普及していることです。
これは、ITF テコンドーの価値観と教えが自然に世代を超えて受け継がれていて、崔泓熙総裁が残されたもの守るよう努める中で、自然と家族との絆などが強くなっていきます。


また、ケープタウンのテーブル マウンテンやドラケンスバーグ山脈などの息を呑むような風景でも有名です。

English text

Please tell us about your impressions of the World Championships in general.

As I think back to August, in the beautiful city of Astana, Kazakhstan.
Remembering vibrant energy and the competitors, setting the stage for the ITF Taekwon-Do World Championships 2023.
South Africa’s National Team and myself have looked forward this grand event, and having witnessed numerous championships in the past, this one, was an experience unlike any other.
As soon as I entered the venue, it was evident
that the ITF HQ and ITF Taekwon-Do Kazakhstan had poured their hearts and souls into creating a remarkable championship always to be remembered.

Please tell us what left the biggest impression on you at this world tournament.

A standout element of the championship was the inspiring opening ceremony, featuring a mesmerising display of talent from the dancers the local performers. The stage came alive with an extraordinary blend of lighting, music, and performances that left the audience in absolute awe. Equally unforgettable was the extraordinary demonstration by the ITF Taekwon-Do demo team. Their flawless execution of board-breaking, remarkable athletic skills, and captivating self-defence showcases were a true honour to witness and share.
One aspect that stood out and brought immense pride was the innovative concept of live streaming. As the games unfolded, I couldn’t help but feel a surge of joy knowing that friends and families back home were able to watch it all on their TV screens via YouTube.
Through the power of technology, the tournament bridged distances, connecting hearts and passion for Taekwon-Do from around the world.
The matches themselves were nothing short of awe-inspiring. The competitors displayed exceptional technique, agility, and precision, pushing their limits and leaving spectators spellbound. Each kick, block, and strike reverberated with intensity, revealing the immense dedication and countless hours of training that the athletes had poured into their journey.
Beyond the competitive aspect, the event also fostered a sense of unity and camaraderie among like-minded individuals.
In between matches, participants from different countries exchanged stories, techniques, and cultural experiences. The
feeling of a Taekwon-Do family was palpable,as we shared knowledge and formed lasting connections.
The Tournement Organising Committee and its volunteers deserve immense praise for their attention to detail. The carefully curated venue, state-of-the-art facilities, and seamless logistics ensured a smooth and unforgettable experience for all attendees.

Please tell us your impressions of the Japanese team.

I was thoroughly impressed by the Japanese ITF Taekwon-Do national team. They displayed exceptional skill, excellence, and strength throughout the championship. Their performances were of the highest caliber, demonstrating their dedication and hard work in mastering the art of Taekwon-Do. The team’s precision and technique were remarkable, leaving no doubt of their formidable abilities. It was a privilege to witness such a talented and powerful team in action.

How popular is taekwondo as a martial art in your country?

In ITF Taekwon-Do South Africa, the presence of practitioners spanning various age groups is a common phenomenon. One notable aspect is the prevalence of families training together, reinforcing the shared commitment to the art. From young children to grandparents, individuals of all ages actively participate, creating a diverse and united community within the discipline. The cohesive nature of this arrangement fosters an environment where the values and teachings of ITF Taekwon-Do are naturally passed down through generations, promoting familial bonding and a shared pursuit of excellence as we strive to uphold the legacy of Gen Choi Hong Hi.

Which generation of people in your country practices taekwondo the most?

Despite our aspirations to attract a larger number of ITF Taekwon-Do practitioners, South Africa currently boasts approximately 800-1000 dedicated individuals within our community. While this figure may seem modest in comparison to larger countries, it is essential to recognise the passion,commitment, and quality of our practitioners.
Together, we work tirelessly to promote the art of ITF Taekwon-Do in Africa, sharing its values and benefits with the wider community. Our goal is not only to increase Our numbers but to ensure that each new practitioner who joins our ranks experiences the same sense of belonging, growth, and fulfilment that our current members enjoy.

How long have your country’s representative athletes been practicing for this world championship?

Two years, some longer as our members have to face unique challenges when it comes to funding international trips, as we do not receive government support like some other countries. As a result, many individuals must diligently save for up to two years to afford such endeavours, such as attending a world championship. It is this arduous journey that fuels our motivation and inspires us to remain steadfast in our training with a long-term perspective.

Please tell us about your country’s tourist attractions and recommended foods.

South Africa is known for its captivating wildlife in parks like Kruger National Park.
The country is also famous for breathtaking landscapes, such as Table Mountain in Cape Town and the Drakensberg Mountains. The coastline along the Garden Route and cities like Cape Town and Durban offer beautiful beaches. Culinary experiences include traditional dishes like braais and incredible seafood and meat dishes, with the Cape Winelands region known for excellent wine and restaurant experiences.

Please give a message to the Japanese national taekwondo team and Japanese taekwondo trainees.

To the ITF Taekwon-Do National Team of Japan and all Japanese ITF Taekwon-Do practitioners,
I extend my warmest greetings and heartfelt admiration to all of you from across the ocean. | am privileged to have this Opportunity to send you a message filled with respect, admiration, and camaraderie.
Taekwon-Do is a powerful art that transcends borders and unites individuals with a common passion for physical and mental development, discipline, and the pursuit of excellence. It is in this spirit that | reach out to you, the dedicated members of the ITF Taekwon-Do community in Japan, a country known for its rich traditions, incredible achievements, and indomitable spirit.
Your commitment to this martial art is truly inspiring. | commend each and every one of you for your unwavering dedication, relentless training, and the pursuit of perfection. Through your tireless efforts, you not only embody the tenets of Taekwon-Do
but also serve as role models for aspiring practitioners around the world.
Being part of a national team is challenging and requires sacrifices. It involves rigorous training, physical endurance, and mental Strength. It is a test of character that shapes champions. Your dedication to proudly representing your country and competing at the highest level shows your unwavering Spirit and noble aspirations.
Although we may be separated by geographical boundaries, know that our connection as members of the International Taekwon-Do family extends beyond borders and language. We share a deep bond grounded in mutual respect, admiration, and
a dedication to the principles and values of our beloved art Taekwon-Do.
As you continue to train, compete, and proudly represent Japan in the world of ITF Taekwon-Do, remember that you are not alone. The collective energy, Support, and encouragement of the global Taekwon-Do community are with you every step of the way. May your journey in Taekwon-Do be filled with personal growth, unforgettable experiences,and a profound sense of fulfilment. Cherish the friendships forged, the lessons learned, and the indelible mark you leave through your passion and achievements.
Train with heart, fight with courage, and forever embrace the spirit of Taekwon-Do and Gen, Choi Hong His legacy within your hearts. Yours in Taekwon-Do,